среда, 16 марта 2011 г.

Подготовка к экзамену 70-511: TS: Windows Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4. Часть 1: Building a User Interface by Using Basic Techniques

>>В начало

Требования к знаниям:

  • Choose the most appropriate control class.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluating design requirements and then selecting the most appropriate control based on those requirements; recognizing when none of the standard controls meet requirements; item controls, menu controls, content controls
    This objective does not include: designing a custom control
  • Implement screen layout by using nested control hierarchies.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: using panel-derived controls, attaching properties
    This objective does not include: items controls, control customization
  • Create and apply styles and theming.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: application-level styles, overriding styles, style inheritance, Generic.xaml,  theming attributes
    This objective does not include: data-grid view style sharing
  • Manage reusable resources.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: fonts, styles, data sources, images, resource dictionaries, resource-only DLLs
  • Implement an animation in WPF.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a storyboard; controlling timelines; controlling the behavior when the animation completes; double, color, and point animations; starting an animation from code and from XAML
    This objective does not include: direct rendering updates, implementing key frame animations

Ссылки на MSDN:

Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть II (Layout)
Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть V (Стили)
Свойство зависимости в XAML
Работа с пропорциональными размерами в WPF
Стилизация приложений WPF
Windows Presentation Foundation : #013 Стилизация контролов WPF / Работа с ресурсами
Присоединенные свойства

 MSDN Magazine/RU:
Настройка элементов управления для Windows Presentation Foundation
Настройка элементов управления WPF при помощи шаблонов
Шаблоны для редко используемых элементов управления
Расширение классов анимации WPF

Video на TechDays/RU:
Лекция: Основы Windows Presentation Foundation
Основные принципы разработки приложений на WPF
Лекция: Шаблоны расположения элементов пользовательского интерфейса в Windows Presentation Foundation

Video на WindowsClient/EN:
How to Create a User Control in WPF
Windows Forms Layout
Layout Techniques for Windows Forms Developers
Grid Control Design-Time Row and Column Manipulation Features
Creating and Consuming Resource Dictionaries in WPF and Silverlight
How to Use Styles in WPF
How to Apply Control Templates in WPF
How to Use Data Templates in WPF
Sharing Styles Among Heterogeneous Elements
Override a Style for a Local Control’s Property Value in WPF
Style Inheritance using BasedOn in WPF
Apply Styles in WPF
Introduction to Themes in WPF
Basic Animation in WPF Using XAML
How Do I: Animate an Effect in WPF?
How Do I: Use Effects in WPF
Introduction to Easing Functions in WPF 4
How Do I: Custom Easing Functions in WPF 4

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