Проектирование и внедрение архитектуры безопасности
Требования к знаниям:
- Plan for operational security.
This objective may include but is not limited to: approaches for process- and resource-level security, including local and remote resources, Code Access Security (CAS), including trust level, process identity, application pool, and identity tag - Design an authentication and authorization model.
This objective may include but is not limited to: authentication providers, including WindowsForms, and custom user identity flowthrough (for example, trusted subsystem), role management, membership providers, URL authorization (for example, AuthorizationAttribute), file authorization, Authorization Manager (AzMan) - Plan for minimizing attack surfaces.
This objective may include but is not limited to: input validation, throttling inputs, request filtering, where to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Plan for operational security.
P&P: ASP.NET 2.0 Security Guidance Index (EN)
P&P: Web Application Security Frame (EN)
P&P: Building Secure ASP.NET Applications (EN)
Approaches for process- and resource-level security, including local and remote resources
View State Security (MSDN Magazine/EN)
Code Access Security (CAS), including trust level, process identity, application pool, and identity tag - Design an authentication and authorization model.
Authentication providers, including WindowsForms, and custom user identity flowthrough (for example, trusted subsystem)
Пассивная аутентификация для ASP.NET с применением WIF (MSDN Magazine/RU)
Role management
Membership providers
Авторизация в ASP.NET
URL authorization (for example, AuthorizationAttribute)
File authorization
Authorization Manager (AzMan) - Plan for minimizing attack surfaces.
Input validation
Проверка модели и метаданные в ASP.NET MVC 2 (MSDN Magazine/RU)
Throttling inputs
Request filtering
Проверка строк запросов ASP.NET (MSDN Magazine/RU)
Where to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Безопасность в ASP.NET
HowTo: Как сделать веб сервис с шифрованием трафика, или шифрование трафика в WCF на транспортном уровне (basichttpbinding + SSL)
WCF Security. Часть 1 (аутентификация)
WCF Security. Часть 2 (авторизация)
WCF Security. Часть 2 (делегирование)
Ключевые аспекты безопасности при предоставлении доступа к данным через ADO.NET Data Services
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