Что нужно знать:
Create or modify control styles.
This objective may include but is not limited to: setting a style locally, setting a style at the page control level, setting a style globally, implementing implicit styles, overriding styles at different levels, creating based-on styles -
Create control templates.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a template, attaching a template, implementing a content placeholder, implementing template binding -
Create or modify data templates.
This objective may include but is not limited to: modifying item templates for data controls, creating a create template, creating an update template, using a user control as a data template -
Manipulate visuals.
This objective may include but is not limited to: transforming controls by using skew transformations, rotate transformations, scale transformations, translate transformations, or perspective transformations; applying pixel shaders -
Animate visuals.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating storyboards, programmatically starting and stopping storyboards, implementing easing functions, using keyframes, triggering storyboard on load, repeating and reversing storyboards, setting keyframe begin time, responding to events, configuring bitmap caching -
Implement behaviors.
This objective may include but is not limited to: triggering storyboards by using behaviors, dragging and dropping elements, calling a method -
Manage the visual state.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating states, creating state groups, transitioning states, programmatically changing states
1. Create or modify control styles.
Собственно, сам Class Style.
Setting a style locally
Setting a style at the page control level
Setting a style globally
Implementing implicit styles
Overriding styles at different levels
Creating based-on styles
2. Create control templates.
Class ControlTemplate
Creating a template
Attaching a template
Implementing a content placeholder (видимо имелось ввиду ContentPresenter)
Implementing template binding
3. Create or modify data templates.
Class DataTemplate
Modifying item templates for data controls
Creating a create template
Creating an update template
Using a user control as a data template
4. Manipulate visuals.
Transforming controls by using skew transformations
Rotate transformations
Scale transformations
Translate transformations
Perspective transformations
Applying pixel shaders
CompositeTransform (в списке, почему-то, не указан, но знать нужно обязательно)
TransformGroup (тоже)
5. Animate visuals.
Creating storyboards
Programmatically starting and stopping storyboards (пауза и возобновление)
Implementing easing functions
Using keyframes
Triggering storyboard on load
Repeating and reversing storyboards
Setting keyframe begin time
Responding to events
Configuring bitmap caching
6. Implement behaviors.
Тут я ничего не понял, видимо имелся ввиду StoryboardTrigger и производный от него StoryboardCompletedTrigger. Ну и ControlStoryboardAction тоже стоит посмотреть. Triggering storyboards by using behaviors
Dragging and dropping elements
Calling a method
7. Manage the visual state.
Class VisualStateManager
Creating states
Creating state groups
Transitioning states
Programmatically changing states
Блоги/Статьи (в основном RU)
Mark Monster (EN)
SilverLight 3: Стили и ресурсы
Использование элементов стиля в Silverlight 2
Эти простые стили и ресурсы
Раздел Стили и Шаблоны на silverlight.su
Использование шаблонов для настройки внешнего вида и поведения контролов (Перевод Скота Гатри)
Применение функций ListBox и DataBinding для отображения данных списка (Перевод Скота Гатри)
Использование инструментов стилизации для улучшения внешнего вида приложения (Перевод Скота Гатри)
Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть V (Стили)
Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть IV (Шаблоны данных и триггеры)
Трансформация в Silverlight
Использование CompositeTransform в Silverlight 4
Трюки при создании и использовании элементов управления WPF и Silverlight
Простые поведения в Silverlight
Создание анимации с помощью XAML и Expression Blend
VisualStateManager или как удобно определить внешний вид приложений на WPF и Silverlight
Видео (в основном EN)
Модель Содержимого (ContentControl) (RU)
Triggers vs. Visual State Manager
Creating Styles
How Do I: Change Styles at Runtime in Silverlight 3
Modify an Existing Silverlight Theme
Use a Content Presenter with Templates
Templating a Simple Button Control
DataBinding and DataTemplates in XAML
How Do I: Basic Animation in Silverlight 3
How Do I: Improve graphics performance using CacheMode
Animation Easing Libraries
How Do I: Easing Functions in Silverlight 3
In-State Animation
Controlling Animations & Storyboards
Add States to a UserControl for Silverlight
Templates Without VSM
Templates and VSM
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5.2 - Layout Visual States
Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” Главы 13,5
Silverlight 4 Hands On Labs:
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3 - Authentication,Validation, MVVM, Implicit Styles and RichTextBox Lab
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