вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 6: Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2

>> В начало

Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2 (13%)

  • Create custom routes.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: route constraints, route defaults, ignore routes, custom route parameters
  • Create controllers and actions.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Visual Studio support for right-click context menus; action filters (including Authorize, AcceptVerbs, and custom) and model binders; ActionResult sub-classes
  • Structure an ASP.NET MVC application.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: single project areas (for example, route registration, Visual Studio tooling, and inter-area links); organizing controllers into areas; shared views; content files and folders
  • Create and customize views.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: built-in and custom HTML helpers (for example, HTML.RenderAction and HTML.RenderPartial), strongly typed views, static page checking, templated input helpers, ViewMasterPage, ViewUserControl
    This objective does not include: Microsoft.Web.Mvc Futures assembly

Ссылки на MSDN:

Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 5: Displaying and Manipulating Data

>> В начало

Displaying and Manipulating Data (19%)

  • Implement data-bound controls.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: advanced customization of DataList, Repeater, ListView, FormsView, DetailsView, TreeView, DataPager, Chart, GridView
    This objective does not include: working in Design mode
  • Implement DataSource controls.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: ObjectDataSource, LinqDataSource, XmlDataSource, SqlDataSource, QueryExtender, EntityDataSource
    This objective does not include: AccessDataSource, SiteMapDataSource
  • Query and manipulate data by using LINQ.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: transforming data by using LINQ to create XML or JSON, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities, LINQ to objects, managing DataContext lifetime
    This objective does not include: basic LINQ to SQL
  • Create and consume a data service.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: WCF, Web service; server to server calls; JSON serialization, XML serialization
    This objective does not include: client side, ADO.NET Data Services
  • Create and configure a Dynamic Data project.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: dynamic data controls, custom field templates; connecting to DataContext and ObjectContext

Ccылки на MSDN:

  • Implement data-bound controls.
  • Implement DataSource controls.
  • Query and manipulate data by using LINQ.
    Transforming data by using LINQ to create XML or JSON (LINQ to XML, System.Json)
    LINQ to SQL
    LINQ to Entities
    LINQ to objects
    Managing DataContext lifetime
  • Create and consume a data service.
    Web service
    Server to server calls
    JSON serialization
    XML serialization
  • Create and configure a Dynamic Data project.
    Dynamic data controls
    Custom field templates
    Connecting to DataContext and ObjectContext


  • Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 4: Configuring and Extending a Web Application

    >> В начало

    Configuring and Extending a Web Application (15%)

    • Configure authentication and authorization.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: using membership, using login controls, roles, location element, protecting an area of a site or a page
      This objective does not include:  Windows Live; Microsoft Passport; Windows and Forms authentication
    • Configure providers.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: role, membership, personalization, aspnet_regsql.exe
      This objective does not include: creating custom providers
    • Create and configure HttpHandlers and HttpModules.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: generic handlers, asynchronous handlers, setting MIME types and other content headers, wiring modules to application events
    • Configure initialization and error handling.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: handling Application_Start, Session_Start, and Application_BeginRequest in global.asax, capturing unhandled exceptions, custom error section of web.config, redirecting to an error page; try and catch; creating custom exceptions
    • Reference and configure ASMX and WCF services.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: adding service reference, adding Web reference, changing endpoints, wsdl.exe, svcutil.exe; updating service URL; shared WCF contracts assembly
      This objective does not include: creating WCF and ASMX services
    • Configure projects and solutions, and reference assemblies.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: local assemblies, shared assemblies (global assembly cache), Web application projects, solutions, settings file, configuring a Web application by using web.config or multiple .config files; assemblyinfo
    • Debug a Web application.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: remote, local, JavaScript debugging, attaching to process, logging and tracing, using local IIS, aspnet_regiis.exe
    • Deploy a Web application.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: pre-compilation, publishing methods (e.g., MSDeploy, xcopy, and FTP), deploying an MVC application
      This objective does not include: application pools, IIS configuration

    Ссылки на MSDN:

    понедельник, 15 ноября 2010 г.

    Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 3: Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX

    >> В начало

    По jQuery на MSDN'e информации нету, поэтому в этом разделе много англоязычных ссылок на jquery.org

    Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX (16%)

    • Add dynamic features to a page by using JavaScript.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: referencing c
      lient ID; Script Manager; Script combining; Page.clientscript.registerclientscriptblock; Page.clientscript.registerclientscriptinclude; sys.require (scriptloader)
      This objective does not include: interacting with the server; referencing JavaScript files; inlining JavaScript
    • Alter a page dynamically by manipulating the DOM.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: using jQuery, adding, modifying, or removing page elements, adding effects, jQuery selectors
      This objective does not include: AJAX
    • Handle JavaScript events.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: DOM events, custom events, handling events by using jQuery
    • Implement ASP.NET AJAX.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: client-side templating, creating a script service, extenders (ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit), interacting with the server, Microsoft AJAX Client Library, custom extenders; multiple update panels; triggers; UpdatePanel.UpdateMode; Timer
      This objective does not include: basic update panel and progress
    • Implement AJAX by using jQuery.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: $.get, $.post, $.getJSON, $.ajax, xml, html, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), handling return types
      This objective does not include: creating a service

    Ссылки на MSDN:

  • Add dynamic features to a page by using JavaScript.
    Referencing client ID (ClientID)
    Script Manager
    Script combining
    sys.require (scriptloader)
  • Alter a page dynamically by manipulating the DOM.
    Using jQuery
    Adding, modifying and removing page elements
    Adding effects
    jQuery selectors
  • Handle JavaScript events.
    DOM events
    Custom events
    Handling events by using jQuery
  • Implement ASP.NET AJAX.
    Client-side templating
    Creating a script service (или все-таки Creating and Using AJAX-Enabled Web Service)
    Extenders (ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit)
    Interacting with the server
    Microsoft AJAX Client Library
    Custom extenders (или IExtenderControl)
    Multiple update panels
    Triggers (ChildrenAsTriggers)
  • Implement AJAX by using jQuery.
    xml (к чему бы это?) 
    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    Handling return types

  • Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 2: Developing and Using Web Forms Controls

    >> В начало

    Developing and Using Web Forms Controls (18%)

    • Validate user input.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: client side, server side, and via AJAX; custom validation controls; regex validation; validation groups; datatype check; jQuery validation
      This objective does not include: RangeValidator and RequiredValidator
    • Create page layout.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: AssociatedControlID; Web parts; navigation controls; FileUpload controls
      This objective does not include:  label; placeholder, panel controls; CSS, HTML, referencing CSS files, inlining
    • Implement user controls.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: registering a control; adding a user control; referencing a user control; dynamically loading a user control; custom event; custom properties; setting toolbox visibility
    • Implement server controls.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: composite controls, INamingContainer, adding a server control to the toolbox, global assembly cache, creating a custom control event, globally registering from web.config; TypeConverters
      This objective does not include: postback data handler, custom databound controls, templated control
    • Manipulate user interface controls from code-behind.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: HTML encoding to avoid cross-site scripting, navigating through and manipulating the control hierarchy; FindControl; controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion; URL encoding; RenderOuterTable
      This objective does not include: Visibility, Text, Enabled properties

    Ссылки на MSDN:

    Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 1: Developing Web Forms Pages

    >> В начало

    Developing Web Forms Pages (19%)

    • Configure Web Forms pages.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: page directives such as ViewState, request validation, event validation, MasterPageFile; ClientIDMode; using web.config; setting the html doctype
      This objective does not include: referencing a master page; adding a title to a Web form
    • Implement master pages and themes.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating and applying themes; adding multiple content placeholders; nested master pages; control skins; passing messages between master pages; switching between themes at runtime; loading themes at run time; applying a validation schema
      This objective does not include: creating a master page; basic content pages
    • Implement globalization.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: resource files, browser files, CurrentCulture, currentUICulture, ASP:Localize
    • Handle page life cycle events.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: IsPostback, IsValid, dynamically creating controls, control availability within the page life cycle, accessing control values on postback, overriding page events
    • Implement caching.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: data caching; page output caching; control output caching; cache dependencies; setting cache lifetimes; substitution control
      This objective does not include: distributed caching (Velocity)
    • Manage state.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: server-side technologies, for example, session and application; client-side technologies, for example, cookies and ViewState; configuring session state (in proc, state server, Microsoft SQL Server; cookieless); session state compression; persisting data by using ViewState; compressing ViewState; moving ViewState

    Ссылки на MSDN:

    Exam 70-515: TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Часть 0

    Пока с работой неопределенность, а сдачу beta по Windows Phone 7 не анонсирована, решил сдать что-нибудь еще, отоварив ваучер на бесплатную сдачу… Выбор пал на 70-515, ибо… Короче, монетку бросал…

    Вводные данные:
    Основная страница экзамена.

    Developing Web Forms Pages (19%)

    • Configure Web Forms pages.
    • Implement master pages and themes.
    • Implement globalization.
    • Handle page life cycle events.
    • Implement caching.
    • Manage state.

    Developing and Using Web Forms Controls (18%)

    • Validate user input.
    • Create page layout.
    • Implement user controls.
    • Implement server controls.
    • Manipulate user interface controls from code-behind.

    Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX (16%)

    • Add dynamic features to a page by using JavaScript.
    • Alter a page dynamically by manipulating the DOM.
    • Handle JavaScript events.
    • Implement ASP.NET AJAX.
    • Implement AJAX by using jQuery.

    Configuring and Extending a Web Application (15%)

    • Configure authentication and authorization.
    • Configure providers.
    • Create and configure HttpHandlers and HttpModules.
    • Configure initialization and error handling.
    • Reference and configure ASMX and WCF services.
    • Configure projects and solutions, and reference assemblies.
    • Debug a Web application.
    • Deploy a Web application.

    Displaying and Manipulating Data (19%)

    • Implement data-bound controls.
    • Implement DataSource controls.
    • Query and manipulate data by using LINQ.
    • Create and consume a data service.
    • Create and configure a Dynamic Data project.

    Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2 (13%)

    • Create custom routes.
    • Create controllers and actions.
    • Structure an ASP.NET MVC application.
    • Create and customize views.

    Основные ссылки:
    Сайт Asp.Net (EN)
    Центр разработки Asp.Net (RU)
    Раздел MSDN посвященный Asp.Net

    Материалов ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО, поэтому буду выкладывать только ссылки на MSDN.

    воскресенье, 14 ноября 2010 г.

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 7: Deploying Applications

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Configure the Silverlight plug-in.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: passing initialization parameters; configuring windowless mode, background color, and sizing of plugins; incorporating nonstandard splash screens, enabling GPU acceleration, setting the frame rate

    • Dynamically load application resources.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: downloading a zip file, extracting content from a zip file, enabling assembly caching

    • Create a client access policy.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: accessing cross-domain content, accessing communication channels, limiting access to resources


    1. Configure the Silverlight plug-in.
    Passing initialization parameters
    Configuring windowless mode, background color, and sizing of plugins
    Incorporating nonstandard splash screens
    Enabling GPU acceleration
    Setting the frame rate

    2. Dynamically load application resources.
    Downloading a zip file (Практическое руководство)
    Extracting content from a zip file
    Enabling assembly caching

    3. Create a client access policy.
    Accessing cross-domain content
    Accessing communication channels
    Limiting access to resources

    Передача параметров в приложение Silverlight через InitParams
    FAQ: Что такое clientaccesspolicy.xml и crossdomain.xml
    Управление доставкой динамического содержимого в Silverlight. Часть 1.
    Управление доставкой динамического содержимого в Silverlight. Часть 2.
    Mark Monster

    Если не установлен Silverlight. Опыт пользователя
    Using Startup Parameters with Silverlight
    How to Pass Initial Parameters from the Web Page
    How To Display A Custom Splash Screen
    Loading Dynamic XAPs and Assemblies
    Accessing Resources from XAP/DLL/Site
    Dynamically Loading Assemblies/Code
    How Do I: Tips for Dynamically Loading Assemblies
    How to Use Cross Domain Policy Files With Silverlight
    Making Requests Cross-Site to Another Domain

    Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” глава 6

    суббота, 13 ноября 2010 г.

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 6: Structuring Applications

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Create and consume resource dictionaries.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: utilizing sample data, selecting resources, merging resource dictionaries

    • Implement localization and globalization.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: translating strings, configuring right-to-left language support and FlowDirection

    • Handle application-level events.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: handling Exit, Startup, and UnhandledException events

    1. Create and consume resource dictionaries.
    Utilizing sample data
    Selecting resources
    Merging resource dictionaries

    2. Implement localization and globalization.
    Translating strings
    Configuring right-to-left language support and FlowDirection

    3. Handle application-level events.

    SilverLight 3: Стили и ресурсы (RU)
    Локализация в Silverlight (RU)
    Mark Monster (EN)

    Video (EN):
    Resource Dictionaries in WPF and Silverlight
    BiDi and Right-to-Left Support

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 5: Interacting with a Host Platform

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Implement the printing API.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: handling multiple pages, adding page numbers, printing off-screen visuals

    • Create out-of-browser applications.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: enabling trusted applications, checking for network connectivity, installing and uninstalling applications, displaying toast notifications, checking and updating application versions, setting the application to be chromeless, displaying HTML content by using the web browser control, signing the XAP file, working with COM Interop

    • Access isolated storage.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: reading from and writing to isolated storage, increasing storage size

    • Interact with the HTML DOM.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: accessing cookies, querystring values, and header info; calling into JavaScript from Silverlight; calling into Silverlight from JavaScript; Silverlight-to-Silverlight communication; manipulating the DOM

    • Access the clipboard.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: copying and pasting text, handling situations when the user declines

    • Read from and write to the host file system.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: read from and write to various locations, drag and drop from the file system, using IO dialogs

    • Handle alternative input methods.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: handling right-click, mouse wheel , and multi-touch events

    1. Implement the printing API.
    Handling multiple pages
    Adding page numbers
    Printing off-screen visuals

    2. Create out-of-browser applications.
    Enabling trusted applications
    Checking for network connectivity
    Installing and uninstalling applications
    Displaying toast notifications
    Checking and updating application versions
    Setting the application to be chromeless
    Displaying HTML content by using the web browser control
    Signing the XAP file
    Working with COM Interop

    3. Access isolated storage.
    Reading from and writing to isolated storage
    Increasing storage size

    4. Interact with the HTML DOM.
    Accessing cookies
    Accessing querystring values
    Accessing header info
    Calling into JavaScript from Silverlight
    Calling into Silverlight from JavaScript
    Silverlight-to-Silverlight communication
    Manipulating the DOM (EnableHTMLAccess)

    5. Access the clipboard.
    Copying and pasting text
    Handling situations when the user declines

    6. Read from and write to the host file system.
    Read from and write to various locations
    Drag and drop from the file system
    Using IO dialogs (OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog)

    7. Handle alternative input methods.
    Handling right-click (MouseRightButtonDown, MouseRightButtonUp)
    Mouse wheel
    Multi-touch events (ManipulationCompleted, ManipulationDelta, ManipulationStarted)

    Введение в SilverLight 4: Печать
    Silverlight 4: Multi page printing + MVVM или многостраничная печать
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Повышение доверия
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Поддержка уведомлений
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Управление окном приложения
    Создание внебраузерных Silverlight приложений. Часть 1.
    Создание внебраузерных Silverlight приложений. Часть 2.
    «Тихая» установка и запуск внебраузерных Silverlight приложений.
    Доверенные внебраузерные Silverlight приложения. Добавление цифровой подписи.
    Из блога Майка Сноу: Использование Isolated Storage в Silverlight
    Silverlight 2. Интеграция с HTML и JavaScript
    Доступ к HTML DOM (Document Object Model) из Silverlight
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Работа с буфером обмена
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Drag and Drop
    Введение в SilverLight 4: правая кнопка мыши
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Поддержка колесика мыши
    Mark Monster (EN)

    Видео (RU):
    Работа с текстом и печать в Silverlight 4
    Silverlight 4. Создание внебраузерных приложений
    Silverlight 4. Доступ к локальной файловой системе
    Silverlight 4. Сетевые возможности доверенных внебраузерных приложений
    Silverlight 4. Стилизация окон внебраузерных приложений
    Silverlight 4. Использование COM объектов в доверенных внебраузерных приложениях
    Интеграция Silverlight с HTML и JavaScript
    Multi-touch и перьевой ввод в Silverlight 3
    Добавление в приложения WPF4 воможностей мульти сенсорногоуправления (multi touch).

    Видео (EN):
    Printing API Basics
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 6.2 - Multi Page Printing
    Out-of-browser Experiences
    Custom Window Chrome and Events
    Notification API
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.2 – Notification Window (Toasts) for Elevated Trust Out of Browser Applications
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.3 - Out of Browser Window Placement
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.1 - Custom Window Chrome for Elevated Trust Out of Browser Applications
    Local File Access
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 4.2 - Drag and Drop in Silverlight
    COM Object Access in Trusted Applications
    XAP Signing for Trusted Applications
    Using Isolated Storage in Silverlight
    Using Isolated Storage for Application Data
    Understanding JavaScript Events in XAML
    Evaluating Javascript from .NET Code
    HTML Browser Integration
    Handling .NET Events in Javascript Code
    Handling HTML DOM Events in .NET Code
    Modifying the HTML DOM from .NET Code
    Accessing the Global Clipboard Programmatically
    OpenFileDialog and File Upload
    SaveFileDialog API
    MouseWheel API

    “Введение в Silverlight 3”: Глава 7

    Silverlight 4 Hands On Labs:
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 4 - Webcam, Drag and Drop, and Clipboard Lab
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 6 - Multipage Printing Lab
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7 - Out of Browser, Toasts Lab
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8 - Advanced OOB, Custom Window Chrome, Silent Installs, Digital Signing, and MEF Lab
    Multi Touch in Silverlight Lab
    Out of Browser with COM Interop Lab

    пятница, 12 ноября 2010 г.

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 4: Working with Data

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Format data.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: formatting string values in data binding, formatting culture-specific string values

    • Implement data binding.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: setting the data context, binding data sets to controls, binding elements to other elements, implementing INotifyPropertyChanged, implementing ObservableCollection, setting binding modes, setting a fallback value

    • Create and consume value converters.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a value converter, referencing a value converter, passing parameters

    • Implement data validation.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface, implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface, implementing data binding errors (NotifyOnValidationError, ValidatesOnExceptions, ValidatesOnDataErrors, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors)

    1. Format data.
    Formatting string values in data binding (Типы форматирования, StringFormat)
    Formatting culture-specific string values
    Общие представления о кодировках

    2. Implement data binding.
    Setting the data context
    Binding data sets to controls
    Binding elements to other elements
    Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged
    Implementing ObservableCollection
    Setting binding modes
    Setting a fallback value (TargetNullValue)

    3. Create and consume value converters.
    Creating a value converter
    Referencing a value converter
    Passing parameters

    Пошаговое руководство. Создание привязки данных с помощью конструктора Silverlight

    4. Implement data validation.
    Implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface
    Implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface
    Implementing data binding errors

    Привязка данных (Data Binding) в Silverlight
    Trying out Binding.StringFormat (EN)
    Варианты реализации INotifyPropertyChanged
    Класс ObservableCollection
    Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть III (Связывание данных)
    Silverlight 4: Обработка ошибок при связывании
    Silverlight. Основы. Валидация. Часть 1. DataAnnotations & ValidatesOnExceptions
    Silverlight. Основы. Валидация. Часть 2. IDataErrorInfo & INotifyDataErrorInfo
    Mark Monster (EN)

    Видео: (в основном EN):
    Связывание данных. Часть 1. (RU)
    Связывание данных. Часть 2. List Binding (RU)
    Связывание данных. Часть 3. (RU)
    Displaying and Manipulating Data
    List Based Data Binding
    Data Binding UI to .NET Classes with Converters
    Data Binding
    Simple Data Binding of UI to .NET Classes
    How Do I: Use Binding Validation in Silverlight 3
    Validating Data: Factoring and Logging
    Validating Data: Getting Started
    Validating Data: Valid and Invalid
    Asynchronous Data Validation

    Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” глава 14

    Silverlight 4 Hands On Labs:
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3 - Authentication, Validation, MVVM, Implicit Styles and RichTextBox Lab
    Silverlight Validation, Binding, DataForm and DataGrid Lab

    четверг, 11 ноября 2010 г.

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 3: Implementing Application Logic

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Handle events.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: handling routed events, bubbling events, implementing AddHandler.

    • Consume services asynchronously.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating and adding service references, handling asynchronous completed events, configuring service endpoints, handling service exceptions, handling timeouts

    • Work with background threads.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: spawning a background thread to execute code, returning data to the UI thread by using the dispatcher object, implementing the dispatcher timer

    • Work with dependency properties.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating dependency properties, specifying dependency property metadata, getting and setting dependency property values

    • Interact with attached properties.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: setting attached properties in XAML, getting and setting attached properties programmatically

    • Implement ICommand.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: executing an ICommand, implementing an ICommand, binding to an ICommand, passing a parameter

    1. Handle events.
    Handling routed events
    Bubbling events
    Implementing AddHandler

    2. Consume services asynchronously.
    Creating and adding service references
    Handling asynchronous completed events, IAsyncResult 
    Configuring service endpoints
    Handling service exceptions
    Handling timeouts

    3. Work with background threads.
    Class Dispatcher
    Spawning a background thread to execute code
    Returning data to the UI thread by using the dispatcher object
    Implementing the dispatcher timer

    4. Work with dependency properties.
    Creating dependency properties
    Specifying dependency property metadata
    Getting and setting dependency property values

    5. Interact with attached properties.
    Setting attached properties in XAML
    Getting and setting attached properties programmatically

    6. Implement ICommand.
    Executing an ICommand
    Implementing an ICommand (Пример приложения для бизнеса, в нем реализованы ICommand, а так же следующие два пункта)
    Binding to an ICommand
    Passing a parameter

    Mark Monster (EN)
    Маршрутизируемые события в Silverlight
    Создание и настройка WCF сервиса в Silverlight 4 приложении
    Приложения, управляемые службами, с использованием Silverlight 2 и WCF
    Отображение данных в DataGrid при помощи LINQ и WCF в Silverlight
    Silverlight 3 и WCF: Duplex
    Который раз о фоновом потоке
    Архитектура WPF. Dependency Properties
    Пример MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) или программирование на WPF (Silverlight)
    New SL4 Feature: Commanding (EN)
    ICommand for Silverlight with Attached Behaviors (EN)

    Video: (EN) 
    Respond to Keyboard Events in Silverlight
    How Do I: Use Command line Proxy Generation for Silverlight 3?
    .NET RIA Services Intro
    RIA Services support in Visual Studio 2010
    WCF and Data Entity Modeling in Silverlight
    Making Calls to Web Services
    Asynchronous Downloads with the WebClient Class
    How to Consume WCF and ASP.NET Web Services in Silverlight
    Calling Web Services over HTTPS
    HTTP Request with HttpWebRequest
    Asynchronous Uploads with the WebClient Class
    Http Communication
    Using Multiple Threads with the BackgroundWorker
    MVVM Introduction

    Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” глава 12

    Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 2: Enhancing the User Interface

    В начало

    Что нужно знать:

    • Create or modify control styles.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: setting a style locally, setting a style at the page control level, setting a style globally, implementing implicit styles, overriding styles at different levels, creating based-on styles

    • Create control templates.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a template, attaching a template, implementing a content placeholder, implementing template binding

    • Create or modify data templates.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: modifying item templates for data controls, creating a create template, creating an update template, using a user control as a data template

    • Manipulate visuals.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: transforming controls by using skew transformations, rotate transformations, scale transformations, translate transformations, or perspective transformations; applying pixel shaders

    • Animate visuals.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating storyboards, programmatically starting and stopping storyboards, implementing easing functions, using keyframes, triggering storyboard on load, repeating and reversing storyboards, setting keyframe begin time, responding to events, configuring bitmap caching

    • Implement behaviors.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: triggering storyboards by using behaviors, dragging and dropping elements, calling a method

    • Manage the visual state.
      This objective may include but is not limited to: creating states, creating state groups, transitioning states, programmatically changing states


    1. Create or modify control styles.
    Собственно, сам Class Style
    Setting a style locally
    Setting a style at the page control level
    Setting a style globally
    Implementing implicit styles
    Overriding styles at different levels
    Creating based-on styles

    2. Create control templates.
    Class ControlTemplate
    Creating a template
    Attaching a template
    Implementing a content placeholder (видимо имелось ввиду  ContentPresenter)
    Implementing template binding

    3. Create or modify data templates.
    Class DataTemplate
    Modifying item templates for data controls
    Creating a create template
    Creating an update template
    Using a user control as a data template

    4. Manipulate visuals.
    Transforming controls by using skew transformations
    Rotate transformations
    Scale transformations
    Translate transformations
    Perspective transformations
    Applying pixel shaders
    CompositeTransform (в списке, почему-то, не указан, но знать нужно обязательно)
    TransformGroup (тоже)

    5. Animate visuals.
    Creating storyboards
    Programmatically starting and stopping storyboards (пауза и возобновление)
    Implementing easing functions
    Using keyframes
    Triggering storyboard on load
    Repeating and reversing storyboards
    Setting keyframe begin time
    Responding to events
    Configuring bitmap caching

    6. Implement behaviors.
    Тут я ничего не понял, видимо имелся ввиду StoryboardTrigger и производный от него StoryboardCompletedTrigger. Ну и ControlStoryboardAction тоже стоит посмотреть.
    Triggering storyboards by using behaviors
    Dragging and dropping elements
    Calling a method

    7. Manage the visual state.
    Class VisualStateManager
    Creating states
    Creating state groups
    Transitioning states
    Programmatically changing states

    Блоги/Статьи (в основном RU)
    Mark Monster (EN)
    SilverLight 3: Стили и ресурсы
    Использование элементов стиля в Silverlight 2
    Эти простые стили и ресурсы
    Раздел Стили и Шаблоны на silverlight.su
    Использование шаблонов для настройки внешнего вида и поведения контролов (Перевод Скота Гатри)
    Применение функций ListBox и DataBinding для отображения данных списка (Перевод Скота Гатри)
    Использование инструментов стилизации для улучшения внешнего вида приложения (Перевод Скота Гатри)
    Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть V (Стили)
    Вводное руководство по WPF - Часть IV (Шаблоны данных и триггеры)
    Трансформация в Silverlight
    Использование CompositeTransform в Silverlight 4
    Трюки при создании и использовании элементов управления WPF и Silverlight
    Простые поведения в Silverlight
    Создание анимации с помощью XAML и Expression Blend
    VisualStateManager или как удобно определить внешний вид приложений на WPF и Silverlight

    Видео (в основном EN)
    Модель Содержимого (ContentControl) (RU)
    Triggers vs. Visual State Manager
    Creating Styles
    How Do I: Change Styles at Runtime in Silverlight 3
    Modify an Existing Silverlight Theme
    Use a Content Presenter with Templates
    Templating a Simple Button Control
    DataBinding and DataTemplates in XAML
    How Do I: Basic Animation in Silverlight 3
    How Do I: Improve graphics performance using CacheMode
    Animation Easing Libraries
    How Do I: Easing Functions in Silverlight 3
    In-State Animation
    Controlling Animations & Storyboards
    Add States to a UserControl for Silverlight
    Templates Without VSM
    Templates and VSM
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5.2 - Layout Visual States

    Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” Главы 13,5

    Silverlight 4 Hands On Labs:
    Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3 - Authentication,Validation, MVVM, Implicit Styles and RichTextBox Lab