четверг, 4 ноября 2010 г.

Подготовка к экзамену 70-506: Silverlight 4, Development. Часть 1: Laying Out a User Interface

В начало

Что нужно знать:

  • Arrange content with panels.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: arranging content with panels (grid, stack panels, canvas, border, scroll viewer, ViewBox), managing grid properties (autosizing, star sizing, column definitions, row definitions, gridlines), setting Z order, setting visibility, setting orientation, setting positioning

  • Implement and configure core controls.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: implementing and configuring core controls (textbox, button, text block, checkbox) and content controls, referencing namespaces

  • Create user controls.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: creating user controls, creating control parts, mapping control parts

  • Implement a navigation framework.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: implementing caching on a frame, modifying journal mode, handling navigation events (Navigating, Navigated, NavigationFailed, NavigationStopped),  implementing and configuring deep linking

  • Display collections of items.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: implementing and configuring item controls (datagrid, listbox, items control, combo box, tree view), working with selected items and indices

  • Play media files.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: implementing digital rights management (DRM), playing streams, creating timeline markers, playing multiple audio tracks, displaying closed captioning, responding to timeline marker events, handling media playback events


    1. Arrange content with panels.
    Элементы управления:

    Управление свойствами таблицы:
    Autosizing,Star sizing
    Column definitions
    Row definitions

    Манипулирование элементами
    Setting Z order
    Setting visibility
    Setting orientation
    Setting positioning

    2. Implement and configure core controls.
    Text block
    Content controls
    Referencing namespaces

    3. Create user controls
    Creating user controls (класс), пример создания 
    Creating control parts
    Mapping control parts

    4. Implement a navigation framework.
    Собственно, основные классы: NavigationService, Frame и Page
    Implementing caching on a frame
    Modifying journal mode, CanGoBack
    Handling navigation events:
    Implementing and configuring deep linking

    5. Display collections of items.
    Items control
    Combo box
    Tree view
    Working with selected items and indices (см. также SelectionMode, SelectedValuePath, SelectedValue, SelecedItem)

    6. Play media files.
    Implementing digital rights management (DRM)
    Playing streams
    Creating timeline markers
    Playing multiple audio tracks  (или имелись ввиду списки вопроизведения?)
    Displaying closed captioning
    Responding to timeline marker events
    Handling media playback events (MediaOpened, MediaEnded, MediaFailed)

    Блоги/Статьи (в основном RU):
    Mark Monster (EN)
    Управление внешним видом (Layout Management) в Silverlight 2
    Контролы - контейнеры
    Введение в SilverLight 4: Элемент управления ViewBox
    Вводное руководство по WPF – Layout
    Navigation Framework
    Многостраничные приложения в Silverlight
    Навигация между страницами

    Видео (RU):
    Менеджер размещения Grid
    Менеджер размещения StackPanel
    Менеджер размещения Canvas
    Модель содержимого(Content Controls)
    Навигация в Silverlight-приложениях. Поисковая оптимизация
    Возможности по работе с элементами управления в Silverlight 2
    Создание элементов управления для платформы Silverlight 2
    MediaElement. Часть 1
    MediaElement. Часть 2

    Видео (EN):
    Grid Control Design-Time Row and Column Manipulation Features
    Intro To Xaml
    Adding Controls to an Application
    Using the ViewBox Control
    Embedding Video and Audio
    How to Build a Simple User Control
    Laying out Content with StackPanel
    Dynamic UserControl
    Using the Silverlight Canvas
    Navigation Framework
    Introduction to Media Players
    Creating a Media Player
    Implementing Audio Controls
    Loading Media at Runtime

    Книга “Введение в Silverlight 3” главы 8 и 9.

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